Collecting & Analyzing customer survey data in the consumer goods industry

In the consumer goods industry, you must identify and produce high-quality products that consumers want and provide them with convenient and respectful customer service, both in the store and after the purchase. Looking at sales alone can help you determine whether or not your approach is successful, but customer surveying provides a much more comprehensive picture.


The consumer goods industry involves more than just the product - the customer's experience is just as important to retention. At the same time, the product is what draws people in and what keeps them there. Collecting & analyzing customer survey data in the consumer goods industry can help you answer the following questions about your products:

  • How do customers view key products? What is their view on new products? Sales tell part of the picture, but customer surveying can help too.
  • What are customers looking for in new products? You can use surveys to get new ideas from customers through open-ended responses, and you can also use them to get an idea of the reception for various product ideas.
  • Are there any major problems with your products or their packaging?

In-Store and Point-of-Sale Experience

The customer's experience in-store is key, both the overall shopping experience and the point-of-sale experience. In the consumer goods industry, the in-store portion of the experience is where there is the biggest risk of inconsistency, due to the logistics of using similar management and hiring techniques across different stores - or even just keeping a single store consistent day-to-day. Collecting & analyzing customer survey data in the consumer goods industry can help you identify any weak points in your customer service.

Post-Purchase Support & Service

One of the biggest ways that companies lose customers is during the time after the sale. Providing post-purchase support is a necessary part of the industry, whether it's IT support for setting up an electronic hotline for "Assembly Required" products, or an easy way for customers to report and replace defective merchandise.


Surveys at the end of receipts are practically ubiquitous in modern corporate stores, but there are many approaches that can be taken to collecting and analyzing data. For example, many companies own several stores or brands, which can be examined either individually or as a whole. Instead of targeting customers who made purchases, you might target those who didn't make a purchase, or those who made a purchase but returned it - the possibilities are endless.

Mark Lummas

Global VP, Customer Success

Mark heads up mTab’s Customer Success function, advising mTab’s premier strategic clients across North America, Asia and Europe.

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