The Difference Between Crosstabs and Pivot Tables

Crosstabs and pivot tables are two common tools used for analyzing data in spreadsheets. While they may seem similar at first glance, there are several key differences between the two. In this post, we will explore the differences between crosstabs and pivot tables, their uses, and their limitations.

What are Crosstabs?

Crosstabs, also known as crosstabulation tables, are a type of table used to summarize the relationship between two categorical variables. They display the frequency of observations that fall into each combination of categories for the two variables. Crosstabs can be used to identify patterns or relationships between variables, and to test hypotheses about those relationships.

What are Pivot Tables?

Pivot tables are a data summarization tool that allows you to reorganize and manipulate data in a spreadsheet. They allow you to group, sort, filter, and analyze data based on multiple criteria. Pivot tables can be used to summarize and analyze large datasets quickly and efficiently, and to create custom reports.

Differences between Crosstabs and Pivot Tables

  1. Data Types: Crosstabs are used for categorical data, while pivot tables can be used for both categorical and numerical data. Crosstabs are used to analyze the relationship between two categorical variables, while pivot tables can analyze the relationships between multiple variables, both categorical and numerical.
  1. Display Format: Crosstabs are displayed as a table that shows the frequency of observations for each combination of categories, while pivot tables are displayed in a more flexible format that allows you to choose which variables to display and how to group and summarize the data.
  1. Aggregation: Crosstabs display raw frequencies of observations, while pivot tables allow you to aggregate data based on different criteria, such as sum, count, average, and more.
  1. Calculation of Statistics: Crosstabs do not perform calculations on the data, while pivot tables allow you to perform calculations such as sums, averages, and standard deviations.

Uses and Limitations

Crosstabs are useful for analyzing the relationship between two categorical variables, such as gender and income or age and education level. They can be used to test hypotheses about the relationship between variables and to identify patterns in the data.

Pivot tables are useful for summarizing and analyzing large datasets quickly and efficiently. They allow you to create custom reports and analyze data based on multiple criteria.

One limitation of crosstabs is that they can only analyze the relationship between two categorical variables. Pivot tables, on the other hand, can analyze multiple variables and perform calculations on the data. However, pivot tables can be more complex to create and may require more knowledge of the spreadsheet software.


Crosstabs and pivot tables are two powerful tools for analyzing data in spreadsheets. While they share some similarities, they have distinct differences in terms of their data types, display format, aggregation, and calculation of statistics. Crosstabs are useful for analyzing the relationship between two categorical variables, while pivot tables are useful for summarizing and analyzing large datasets quickly and efficiently. By understanding the differences between these two tools, you can choose the one that best fits your data analysis needs.

Be sure to checkout mTab to create a crosstab and visualize your survey results.

John Sevec

SVP, Client Strategy

John provides strategic advisory and insight guidance to premier clients across mTab’s portfolio. His expertise spans customer strategy, market insight and business intelligence.

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