Enhancing Your Net Promoter Score Survey Analysis

Imagine that you are a retailer tracking your net promoter score (NPS).  Your NPS survey is administered by way of an invitation printed on your in-store POS receipt.The point of tracking NPS is to identify how to make improvements in your service and products.  Changes in your process can then be validated by continual tracking of the NPS metric.

So how can we best identify opportunities for improvement from NPS tracking?

We can simply observe that the NPS score has gone up or down relative to our last observation.  Assuming at least one open-ended question in addition to our net promoter survey question, we can review the open-ended or "unstructured" data from customers providing low (or high) NPS scores.

Text analytics tools, for example tools providing classification and sentiment analysis of unstructured survey responses, along with search term and tag cloud drill down tools, can significantly enhance the understanding of the unstructured survey responses.

Additional structured data, coupled with the appropriate tools for the analysis of structured and unstructured survey questions, will significantly enhance our analysis and thereby greatly increase the value of our net promoter program.

POS receipts typically include a transaction identifier that can be used to link a wealth of structured data to the survey results.  Listed below is a partial listing of possibilities:

  • Store Location
  • Transaction date/time
  • POS terminal and sales associate
  • Inventory of items purchased
  • Items purchased on sale or promotional items
  • Payment type
  • Total amount of purchase (total check)
  • (assuming you have a frequent buyer program) buyer profile

Without adding questions to our NPS survey, we can now break down scores by region, district, zone and store, by day-part, by payment type, by check amount, by store department and potentially by frequent vs. infrequent shoppers.If you would like to review your NPS program with industry experts  please sign up for a web meeting or simply visit the mTab website to learn more about our survey data analysis services.

Mark Lummas

Global VP, Customer Success

Mark heads up mTab’s Customer Success function, advising mTab’s premier strategic clients across North America, Asia and Europe.

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