Gain a deeper understanding by comparing and trending all of your research projects with mTab

Lead Data

At mTab, we have designed our program to address many of the issues that companies face when performing marketing research. As experts in the field, we have found that one of the biggest drawbacks of traditional data analysis is that only a single data set can be examined at a time using most software. Comparing and trending research projects with mTab is one of the biggest benefits of the software.Benefits of Combining & Trending There are a number of benefits to combining and trending research projects with mTab. A traditional, single-survey approach to market research can leave you with a segmented, even distorted view of what your research is saying. By combining the results of two or more different research products, you can get a more comprehensive understanding of your customers.For example, one of the biggest issues with customer surveying is that many surveys are repeated across a period of time. If the results cannot be integrated and viewed together, you lack the time-lapse view that is so beneficial in situations like these.Comparing and trending research projects with mTab also allows you to examine multiple markets, producing a better understanding of your market as a whole, rather than just individual segments of it.mTab Features Comparing and trending research projects with mTab is simple, and there are a number of tools integrated into our software to make it an approachable task. Features of our software include:

  • Ability to look at different data sets all at the same time, instead of having to flip between sets
  • Ability to analyze multiple studies at the same time
  • Ability to highlight and accommodate changes to the questionnaire or responses

Since there is no limit to the size of your database with mTab, you can utilize these features to their full potential. In addition, just as you can combine and trend multiple data sets, you can also isolate specific questions, cluster themes, or look at sub-groups of responses to specific questions. Combined, these features mean that you can view data from across multiple surveys and within individual surveys in whatever manner is most beneficial to your research and analysis.If you're interested in learning more, we'd be happy to discuss how you can benefit from features like comparing and trending research products with mTab.

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