Handle any size research project including complex tracking or multi-country studies with mTAB

Multi-country studies Research

For smaller, newer companies, customer survey studies are simple to perform and track; there is a relatively small database of information, survey questions, and survey results to draw on, and research projects are relatively simple to carry out. On the other hand, many companies have research studies spanning several decades or several countries, which can add up to a great deal of data that most analysis software is simply not equipped to handle. Complex tracking and multi-country studies with mTAB can help you utilize all of your data, no matter how vast or varied.The Need When you have or are acquiring data that is complex or large, it's easy to go along without actually utilizing all the information at your disposal. Many companies fall into the trap of segmenting different aspects of their analysis - a complex, interwoven analysis can be split into several simple but less comprehensive analyses simply as a result of a lack of the appropriate software. Similarly, when you have a large amount of data, it's not uncommon for large chunks of it to go unused. These problems are especially pronounced if you:

  • Do surveying in several different countries
  • Have a customer base made up of several different demographics
  • Have a number of separate but interrelated products or campaigns
  • Have a great deal of data due to the size or age of your company
  • Perform many research projects

It's not difficult to see the benefits of being able to store and analyze large amounts of customer survey data. Your marketing approach needs to be based on a comprehensive view of your market, but if you're unable to integrate and use all of the data, that goal becomes impossible. In contrast, using all of your data allows you to implement strategies that are based on past evidence, with an eye to new or locally relevant trends.The Features The reason that complex tracking and multi-country studies with mTAB are possible is that there is no limit to the size of your database on mTAB. Our software can accommodate any amount of data, not just storing it but allowing you to manipulate and utilize it in useful ways. In addition, there is no limit to the complexity of the data that mTAB can handle. Not only can the software handle complexity, but it allows users to break down complex data into useful, easy-to-understand results. What's more, all of this data can be accessed immediately, with real-time results.

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