MaxDiff Analysis: A Comprehensive Guide to Maximum Difference Scaling

MaxDiff is a research technique used to measure consumers' preferences.

MaxDiff is a research technique used to measure consumers' preferences across a variety of product attributes, features, or services. By understanding how MaxDiff works and how to implement it, businesses can gain valuable insights to drive decision-making and product development. In this blog post, we will delve into the fundamentals of MaxDiff Analysis, its benefits, and a step-by-step guide to conducting a successful MaxDiff study.

What is MaxDiff Analysis?

MaxDiff Analysis is a powerful conjoint research technique that allows researchers to rank a list of items, features, or attributes by their relative importance. It is based on the assumption that people can easily make judgments about the most and least preferred options, rather than assigning a numerical value to each item.

In a MaxDiff survey, respondents are presented with a series of sets containing a small number of items, usually ranging from 3 to 5. For each set, respondents are asked to choose the item they find most appealing and the one they find least appealing. By collecting this data from multiple respondents, researchers can analyze the relative importance of each item and rank them accordingly.

Benefits of MaxDiff Analysis

MaxDiff Analysis offers several advantages over traditional ranking or rating-based methods, including:

  • Improved discrimination: MaxDiff surveys force respondents to make trade-offs, resulting in clearer preferences and priorities.
  • Greater validity: The method reduces scale use bias and is less influenced by cultural or individual response styles.
  • Easier for respondents: MaxDiff surveys are simple and intuitive, leading to higher response rates and more accurate data.
  • Applicability across industries: MaxDiff can be applied to a wide range of research areas, from marketing to product development and public policy.

Conducting a MaxDiff Study

A Step-by-Step Guide: To successfully implement MaxDiff Analysis, follow these steps:

  1. Define your research objective: Clearly articulate the goal of your MaxDiff study, whether it's understanding consumer preferences for product features, ranking marketing messages, or prioritizing potential improvements.
  2. Identify the items or attributes to be evaluated: List all the items, features, or attributes you want to rank. Aim for a manageable number, typically between 10 and 30, to avoid overwhelming respondents and maintain data quality.
  3. Design the MaxDiff survey: Using specialized MaxDiff software or a survey platform that supports MaxDiff, create a series of sets containing a subset of the items or attributes. Ensure that each item appears an equal number of times and in a balanced design.
  4. Collect data: Distribute your MaxDiff survey to a representative sample of your target population. Ensure that the sample size is large enough to yield statistically significant results.
  5. Analyze the data: Use MaxDiff-specific analytical tools or statistical software to analyze the survey responses. This will produce preference scores, also known as "utilities," for each item or attribute, which can be used to rank them by relative importance.
  6. Interpret and act on the results: Examine the MaxDiff results to identify patterns and make informed decisions based on the ranked preferences. Use the insights gained to guide product development, marketing strategies, or other relevant business decisions.


MaxDiff Analysis is a powerful research technique that allows businesses to understand and prioritize consumer preferences with greater accuracy and clarity. By following the steps outlined in this blog post, you can successfully implement MaxDiff in your research projects and leverage its benefits to drive informed decision-making and business growth. To excel in the competitive market landscape, consider integrating MaxDiff Analysis into your research toolkit today.

Be sure to try mTab for your survey data analysis and crosstab needs.

John Sevec

SVP, Client Strategy

John provides strategic advisory and insight guidance to premier clients across mTab’s portfolio. His expertise spans customer strategy, market insight and business intelligence.

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