Stretch your research dollars further with mTab

Market Research

Research is an essential part of marketing and product development - no matter how well you think you know your audience, or how well you think your marketing strategy is doing. There's no way to know for sure without having a way to actually measure the success of each individual strategy or aspect of your strategy. Although marketing and product development are fields that require creativity and intuition, the decisions those qualities lead to need to be backed up by demonstrable proof.Customer research and mTab can combine to help you understand the market as thoroughly as possible while costing as little money as possible. By automating data analysis and other aspects of the research process, mTab allows you to save time and wages. Instead of spending time and resources crunching numbers, you and your team have access to relevant data, which can be easily manipulated to reveal specific demographic information, answers to specific survey questions, and other data that might be needed. Since mTab is very intuitive, you don't need to spend a lot of time training employees to use it, which is a common problem with existing data analysis software.One of the biggest benefits to this easy-to-use design is that it makes customer research and mTab accessible to everyone in the organization who needs it, regardless of their department or level of statistical expertise. All the appropriate individuals have easy, intuitive access to customer survey data, demographic data, and other important research results.The benefits of performing consistent, well-analyzed customer research include:

  • Better understanding of your demographic
  • Better understanding of what your customers want
  • More knowledge as to what strategies and products work and don't work
  • An ability to allocate more resources towards approaches that work, so you can siphon money away from unsuccessful projects
  • Being able to decide what to change or introduce in order to keep customers satisfied and interested

In any organization, a balance must be struck between excellent research and a sensible budget. Often, the quality of research and thus the quality of marketing and customer surveying suffers for the sake of budgetary concerns. Customer research and mTab allow you to perform and analyze relevant research without breaking the bank, allowing you to get more out of each dollar spent.If you'd like to learn more about how mTab could benefit your business, please click here or give us a call at 1.800.693.3111.

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