Technology's Impact on Data Collection in Market Research

The widespread adoption of the internet, and now smartphones, has revolutionized all industries with very few exceptions. If you have been in the market research industry for the past few decades, you know first hand how drastically these technological advances have changed the way researchers conduct business.In the mid to late 80s, gathering survey data by phone and mail had become the standard over surveying consumers door-to-door. Today, however, the declining popularity of landlines and traditional mail has led researchers to place more focus on online alternatives. With its ability to reach consumers at multiple touch points and near instant results, it's easy to understand why the internet has won data collection dominance. While market researchers have a wide selection of options for collecting data, having reliable research and effective analysis tools has become more vital than ever.We know that market research technology will continue to evolve. Present and future trends point to social media and user generated feedback where we can analyze what consumers are saying rather than just observing them. The ability to adapt to these new trends will be an important factor in staying competitive and delivering the products and services that consumers want and need.In spite of all the changes in market research over the past two decades, the objectives remain the same: glean insights from consumers, and respond in a manner that will increase sales and market share.

Prerequisites for survey data analysis

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