Untapping new ways to make your research more valuable

Valuable Research

Customer surveying is an important part of marketing, but your surveys will only be as good as your analysis is. Data analysis adds value to your surveying, allowing you to see new connections and generate important reports and thus make more effective, evidence-based decisions for your business. A solid data analysis software solution will offer numerous new ways to make research more valuable.Spreadsheet ViewWe firmly believe in the benefits of analyzing most data using a spreadsheet view, and then generated table or graph reports from there. Spreadsheets become second nature after using them even a couple of times. They allow you to look at the data in a way that makes sense and then make commands for different types of analysis and report generation. Spreadsheets should have a format that is clear and readable; for example, using colors and shading makes a big difference. An easy-to-use spreadsheet format is one of the best new ways to make research more valuable.2D and 3D CrosstabulationOne of the best ways to improve your research is to make 2D and 3D crosstabulations, which is possible with software like mTAB. With this method, you are able to show additional questions or studies and even calculate results across multiple spreadsheet pages. This is a complex form of analysis that can greatly improve how you analyze your customer surveying.Derive New Questions from Your DataA great data analysis software should allow you to derive new questions from your data. For example, after you have been surveying for a while you end up with a lot of detailed information about customer demographics and buying behavior, but often that information is not integrated. By creating new questions, you are able to perform more complex and meaningful analyses of your data – rote demographic information becomes a lifecycle profile of your customers.Lowering CostsLowering the overhead costs associated with customer surveying data analysis is one of the most important ways to make research more valuable. For instance, mTAB's easy interface saves money on training, the quick and easy data analysis tools save time on repetitive tasks, while the software as a service model saves time on software installation and upkeep. Combined with excellent analysis tools, this results in better research that costs less.

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