Using the Likert Scale for Visualizing Survey Data

Learn how to use the Likert scale for visualizing survey data and gain valuable insights from your survey results.

The Likert scale is a popular tool for measuring attitudes, opinions, and preferences in survey research. By presenting data in an easy-to-understand format, the Likert scale simplifies data interpretation and enhances the value of your survey findings. In this blog post, we will explore the benefits of using the Likert scale for visualizing survey data and share tips for effectively leveraging this powerful tool to enhance your insights and decision-making process.

  1. Understanding the Likert Scale:

The Likert scale is a rating scale that allows respondents to express their level of agreement or disagreement with a statement. Typically, Likert scales include 5 or 7 response options, ranging from "strongly disagree" to "strongly agree." By aggregating and visualizing Likert scale data, researchers can quickly identify trends, patterns, and insights that inform decision-making.

  1. Benefits of Using the Likert Scale for Visualizing Survey Data:

There are several benefits to using the Likert scale for visualizing survey data, including:

  • Simplified data interpretation: Likert scale data is easy to understand and interpret, allowing for quick insights and decision-making.
  • Rich insights: Likert scales capture a range of opinions and attitudes, providing a detailed understanding of respondents' perspectives.
  • Versatility: Likert scales can be used across a variety of research topics and industries, making them a versatile tool for survey research.
  1. Tips for Visualizing Likert Scale Data:

To effectively visualize Likert scale data, consider the following tips:

  • Use bar charts or column charts: Bar charts and column charts are ideal for displaying the distribution of responses across Likert scale categories. Use horizontal bar charts for easier reading of labels.
  • Stacked bar charts: Stacked bar charts can help visualize the distribution of responses across multiple categories or groups, allowing for easy comparison.
  • Heatmaps: Heatmaps use color gradients to represent the intensity of responses, offering an intuitive way to visualize Likert scale data and identify patterns.
  • Include neutral and "don't know" options: Including a neutral option, such as "neither agree nor disagree," and a "don't know" option can help capture a broader range of respondent perspectives and ensure data accuracy.
  1. Analyzing Likert Scale Data:

Once you have visualized your Likert scale data, it's essential to analyze and interpret your findings:

  • Look for patterns and trends: Identify patterns and trends in your data, such as areas of high agreement or disagreement, or differences between demographic groups.
  • Consider the context: Interpret your findings within the context of your research objectives and the broader market or industry landscape.
  • Develop actionable insights: Translate your Likert scale insights into actionable recommendations and strategies to drive business improvement and growth.


Using the Likert scale for visualizing survey data can greatly enhance your insights and simplify data interpretation. By effectively leveraging the Likert scale and following best practices for data visualization and analysis, you can empower your decision-making process and drive data-driven business success. Embrace the power of the Likert scale and unlock its potential to transform your survey research and insights.

Some other examples of Likert scale:


  • Very frequently
  • Frequently
  • Occasionally
  • Rarely
  • Never


  • Very important
  • Important
  • Somewhat important
  • Not very important
  • Unimportant


  • Highly likely
  • Likely
  • Somewhat likely
  • Not very likely
  • Not likely at all

John Sevec

SVP, Client Strategy

John provides strategic advisory and insight guidance to premier clients across mTab’s portfolio. His expertise spans customer strategy, market insight and business intelligence.

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