Visualizing Survey Data for Net Promoter Score Analysis

If you’re ever wondering how your customers view your company’s performance, you can home in on the answer by analyzing your Net Promoter Score (NPS). Visualizing survey data based on your NPS can be an incredibly fast and easy way to see if your company is adored or abhorred, giving you a chance to fortify the former or improve the latter.NPS ExplainedThe NPS, created by the consulting firm Bain & Company, gives you a snapshot of customer sentiment based on three different categories used to classify customers.

  • Promoters: Loyal fans who keep buying while telling their pals to do the same
  • Passives: Satisfied customers who aren’t all that enthusiastic and may be swayed toward competitors
  • Detractors: Decidedly unhappy campers

Customers can be classified into one of the categories based on their response to a single question:How likely are you to recommend our company to a friend?The response can be gauged on a scale of 0 to 10, with 10 being extremely likely and 0 being not at all likely.

  • Promoters: 9 to 10
  • Passives: 7 to 8
  • Detractors: 0 to 6

Calculate your NPS by subtracting the percentage of detractors from the percentage of promoters.Let’s say 50 percent of your survey respondents were promoters and 30 percent were detractors. Your NPS based on those percentages would be 20 percent. Not horrible, but not stupendous, either.NPS in ActionWhen it comes to visualizing survey data for your NPS, a straightforward table can list the numbers, but it doesn’t do much for easily grasping the info. This particularly holds true if you wanted to compare your NPS for various products or services.A straightforward table showcasing how customers view your fashion line, for instance, might look something like this:DetractorsPassivesPromotersNPS Accessories20107050Pants1080100Shirts501040-10Shoes 30205020That same data can instead be visualized using a stacked bar chart for much easier comprehension and a much greater impact. Your stacked bar chart might look something like this:

Visualizing Survey Data

Visualizing survey data with a stacked bar chart lets you see, at a glance, which products are performing well and which could use a boost, especially if you also display the NPS of each item directly in the chart.The easier you can comprehend survey data through visualization, the easier it is to analyze data, identify trends or pinpoint areas that could use improvement. Regularly gauging the NPS of your products, services or overall brand can provide ongoing insights into how well any of the above is performing, and that insight can be much more impactful with proper visualization.

Prerequisites for survey data analysis

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