The world's #1 Insight Management System
Halo Overview
AI-Powered Decision Intelligence Platform
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Supercharge insights with the power of AI
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Access third-party research from world-class providers
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Create and share tables, reports, and dashboards
Halo Models
Combine, shape, and clean your survey data
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Food & Beverage
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Energy & Utilities
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Financial Services
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A world of insights, all in one place.
MRS and mTab Team to Offer MR Training Discounts with mTab+
MRS providing research professionals with cost-effective training and resources as part of mTab+ MR savings membership.
What is the importance of the lattice of research?
Xabier Palacio, ESOMAR's Senior Industry Analyst, discusses the “lattice of research” he uses to visualize methodologies.
Why is diversity important to market research?
Vanella Jackson, former Hall & Partners Global Chief Executive Officer, discusses the value of diversity to organizations.
How does gamification drive innovation?
Betty Adamou discusses how brands are using gamification tactics to attract, engage and motivate consumers.
How are leadership and innovation connected?
Eric Salama, Director at Morning Consult and former CEO of Kantar discusses the connection between leadership and innovation.
How do you increase market research participation?
Lisa Wilding-Brown, CEO of Innovate MR, discusses the keys to increasing market research participation.
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Make smarter decisions faster with the world's #1 Insight Management System.
Insights for everyone, all in one place.
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